
What is the SWOT analysis

Basically, it is about the internal and external view of a company. Wikipedia explains it in a simple and straightforward way: The SWOT analysis (acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) is a strategic planning tool.

It looks at strengths and weaknesses, the view inwards and the actual goal, which is what communication is all about. Opportunities and threats look externally: at the communicative environment, at topics and trends in society, business, politics, science and culture.  At the same time, they name the factors from which the communicative challenges and subsequently the communication strategy are derived. However, they do not yet formulate strategic recommendations. These can, however, result from them. In addition, the risk-related facts and conditions that must be kept in mind in order not to jeopardize the success of the communication measures also become apparent here. 

In summary:

Strenghts: factors from the context of the company, products or services that can be used or promoted for communication. The current status of communication should also be included here.

Weaknesses: factors from the context of the company, products or services that are difficult or hindering for communication. The current status of communication should also be included here.

Opportunities: Supportive social, political, economic, technological, public and legal environmental factors with potential for communication.

Threats: Obstructive social, political, economic, technological, social and legal environmental factors with risks for communication.

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