
Communication needs strategy

One of the most important phrases in communications is, “You cannot NOT communicate!” Whether it’s about PR work, marketing, content management, public affairs or social media: A sensible methodology helps to sort and process communicative tasks and to develop implementable solutions.

The communication concept

When we talk about strategic communication, we are talking about concepts for every kind of economic, political, social and cultural work. No matter if it is a company, an association, a celebrity or a citizen’s initiative – the creation of a communication concept applies to every conceivable task, with every conceivable sender. 

The right instruments

An integrated concept takes into account all available instruments from all areas: PR, marketing, internal and external communication and advertising. Whatever contributes to the solution and the achievement of the goal becomes part of the communication mix. It is important to reach the target groups with the appropriate messages and to be guided by the communication goals that have been set. 

The right setting

All communication areas in the company should therefore work hand in hand and “cross-fertilize” each other’s plans and measures. 

The following applies to PR work: A strategy should be drawn up for at least the next three months. Only then will PR goals be achievable. So anyone thinking about starting with PR should use this time frame as a benchmark. Of course, a one-off event or a trade fair appearance can be accompanied by PR. But what happens afterwards? Journalists have a short memory. If no further news comes from the company after that, someone else has already “hijacked” this part of the brain for himself and fills the information gap. Is that a vivid picture? Then it’s time to get started. Why don’t you make an appointment with us right now (hier Link zum Buchungstermin hinterlegen. We will be happy to advise you!

Mika Mondo GmbH
Markgrafenstraße 36
10117 Berlin

+49 30 2576 2050
